Drawbridge Logo Design and Rebrand

In 2015, shortly after joining the company, we worked with a branding company to rebrand Drawbridge. The rebrand was going well but we were having trouble settling on a logo. I developed the idea of the "G" as a person in the Drawbridge logo - a visual symbol of how our company bridges companies and consumers. 


The Process

Drawbridge hired a creative branding agency to give the company a new look. In the meantime, I took over the task of designing the new logo. After struggling with a number of designs that didn't fit, I came up with the idea of the "G" as a person, to symbolize bridging people and brands. 

The Details

After developing the logo, Drawbridge used the "G" character for collateral, including stickers that were given out at recruiting events. 

Post Brand Update

The company changed course after a few years of using this brand into the enterprise sphere. We therefore needed an updated, elegant and professional logo to match the new course. I continued to utilize the logo for internal events and swag, even creating team by team stickers to promote internal branding and employee engagement. 

Looking for beautiful logo design? 

Reach out today to get a quote!

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